6 systems for local balance

6 systems for local balance

Overview of the 6 Systems for Local Balancing based on imaging and reverse imaging of AoD Area of Di..

12 Global Balancing Structures

12 Global Balancing Structures

Overview of the 12 Global Balancing Structures of the Acupuncture Balancing MethodYangMing / JueYinY..

12 Global Balancing Structures for Functional Disorders

12 Global Balancing Structures for Functional Disorders

Overview of the 12 Global Balancing Structures for psycho emotional and Shen related functional diso..

12 Global Balancing Structures12 Meridian Conversion Structures

12 Global Balancing Structures12 Meridian Conversion Structures

Overview of the 12 Meridian Conversion Structures of the Acupuncture Balancing MethodYangMing / JueY..

Acupuncture Balancing Method ordered alphabetically by Symptom

Acupuncture Balancing Method ordered alphabetically by Symptom

Desk Reference of 96 frequently used Acupuncture Balancing Structures sorted by Symptoms:Acid Reflux..

Magical Meridians and Points

Magical Meridians and Points

Overview of 8 Magical Structures of the Acupuncture Balancing MethodMagical Points + 14 Magical Poin..

Meridian Conversion Points Chart

Meridian Conversion Points Chart

Overview of all Meridian Conversion Points connected to different I Ching Hexagrams as used in Merid..

Qi Jing Ba Mai: Abdominal Patterns and Extra Meridian Balancing Structures

Qi Jing Ba Mai: Abdominal Patterns and Extra Meridian Balancing Structures

Overview of 14 Acupuncture Balancing Structures from Japanese Acupuncture according to Manaka. Areas..

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 (1 Pages)