Desk Reference of 96 frequently used Acupuncture Balancing Structures sorted by Symptoms:
- Acid Reflux, Adrenal Fatigue, Allergies, Alzheimer's Disease, Anemia, Asthma
- Bell's Palsy, Bipolar Disorder, Bronchitis
- Cardiovascular Disease, Chrohn's Disease, Chronic Fatigue, Colitis Ulcerosa, Constipation
- Depression, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Digestion
- Edema, Endometriosis, Epilepsy
- Flu / Cold / Cough, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia
- Gynacological and Obstetric Problems
- Hangover, Headache, Heart Disease, Hemorroids, Hepatitis, Herpes, High Blood Pressure, Hot Flushes, Hyper- / Hypo- Thyroidism
- Immuno Deficiency, Impotence, Incontinence, Infertility, Insomnia, IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Low Back Pain, Lumbago
- Migraine, Multiple Sclerosis
- Nausea, Neck and Throat Problems, Neck Pain, Night Sweating
- Obesity
- Parkinson's Disease, Peptic Ulcer, PMS Pre Menstrual Syndrome, Polyuria, PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psoriasis
- Reflux, Respiration, Restless Legs, Sciatica, Shingles, Sinusitis, Skin Burn, Sleep Apnea, Stress, Stroke
- Tinnitus
- Urinary Tract infection
- Vertigo, Vomiting
- Weight Control
Material: A4 Paper Color Print (2 double sided pages)
Acupuncture Balancing Method ordered alphabetically by Symptom
Tags: acupuncture, balancing, method, local, global, meridian, conversion, magical, Dr. Tan, Master Tung, Dr. Chen Chao, desk reference, desk, reference, overview, A-Z, alfabetical, disease, klachten, pathologies