Overview of the Pattern Differentiation based on the Ba Gang. Deschription of the Main Symptoms, Pulse and Tongue
- External / Internal - Biao / Li
- Heat / Cold - Re / Han
- Excess / Deficiency - Shi / Xu
- Yin / Yang
- Jing Luo - 4 Radicals / 6 Divisions
- Basic Substances
- Zang Fu
Material: A4 Paper Color Print
Pattern Differentiation Ba Gang
Tags: tcm, biao, li, re, shi, xu, acupuncture, symptoms, syndromes, pattern, differentiation, zang, fu, yin, yang, jing, luo, 4, 6, external, internal, hands, heat, cold, repletion, vacuity, pathology, pattern differentiation, pattern identification, basic subs